VR Meets the Gospel

Just when you think Christ-followers are using every possible means to reach the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ, a new way is made available. During the Covid-19 pandemic, I remember how proud I was to hear of those who, though locked in their homes, were not locked out of sharing through phones, the internet, and Zoom with the people in their circle of influence. Some even leaned out windows and sang or prayed or shared with their neighbors who were hurting and hopeless.

During the annual Southern Baptist emphasis on prayer and support for missions, I learned of a new way the Gospel was reaching the uttermost parts of the world—Virtual Reality. You have probably read the reports about how in the last decade or so, countless individuals are retreating from spending time face-to-face with others and preferring the world of gaming and VR. In a way, it’s like reading a book and interacting with it at the same time.

People Hide Behind VR

When you can’t face the harsh realities of life, what is better than to escape? I remember when email first became widespread. Many found that it was easier to write an email to complain or accuse rather than face a person directly with an issue. Gone were the days of “talking out” an issue—send an email instead.

We’re far past the simple email days now, as social media, texting, and countless forms of communicating incognito are now possible. Virtual Reality is one of those ways of interacting with others through a persona. It’s a fantasy world where anything is possible and anything can be said or experienced. It’s also a world where people can easily and quickly go down a dark path and become caught up in a world that enslaves their hearts and minds. You go to work as one person and “live” vicariously through VR as another—all in the safety of your home or parent’s basement.

God Sees Us in the Darkest Places

Scripture makes it clear that God sees it all.

Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.

Psalm 139:7-12 NIV

The God who sees those hiding in the darkness gives his light to the ones he calls to dispel the dark by the hope of Christ. That light has found its way into the world of Virtual Reality.

Willing to Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

My heart soared when I read the story of a couple in Japan who were entering the world of Virtual Reality for the cause of Christ. We, as missionaries, always talk about “going where your people are,” so it makes sense that if your people are going virtual, you will too. When chat rooms became a thing over twenty years ago, many believers jumped in and used them (and continue to do so) as a platform for the Gospel. To see believers making inroads into the world of gaming and VR is a reminder that no place is too hard or too far for us to reach.

The creativity of Christ-followers knows no bounds in their efforts to reach “the least of these.” Many people give up on those who lose themselves to the world of gaming and VR, but how can you give up on a person you’ve never tried to reach in the first place?

From Darkness to Light

We know stories of those who go into bars or prisons in order to rescue the perishing. Many have come to Christ in such places because of the risk taken by one who loves Christ to the utmost. Now, I am praying for a new group of the “perishing” to be drawn back by the light that is shining through a game or VR interaction.

I thank God for a new generation of creative believers who are thinking outside the box in this day and age to reach those God has called them to serve. Will you join me in praying for them and for doors to be opened—virtually or in reality—that Christ will be made known?

A new reality is coming soon when our King returns. May the Lord grant access into lives and hearts at an ever-increasing pace to his glory.

Grace and Peace

If you missed the last Mission Monday post, click HERE, or check out these posts on the topic of evangelism: Building Bridges with Art and Never Miss an Opportunity