Witness Protection Program


You may not know this, but I’m in the Witness Protection Program. When God sends, he protects. Does that mean that no one ever dies proclaiming Christ as Lord? Hardly, for I think we can all provide examples of those who have been martyred for their faith, beginning with Stephen.

No, God’s Witness Protection Program means that whether they let me live or kill me, I’m protected by the blood of Christ.

If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.  

Romans 14:8 NIV

Even the psalmist knew that protection is found in God alone:

The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?

Psalm 118:6

Knowing this, what makes us so afraid of being a witness for Christ?

It could be that we so prefer living comfortably in the present, we refuse to take a risk of rocking the boat with others. Our inaction, however, nullifies the protection clause. When Satan’s not threatened, he leaves us alone, lulling us into a false sense of security.

Our refusal to be obedient in witness sends the message to God that we don’t need him and prefer life in the world to life in the Spirit. Just like a lazy adult child, who prefers sleeping in the basement over getting a job, we wake up one day and find our parents have moved out and left us to pay the rent.

God gives wake-up calls to remind us just how good we have it with him.

When, however, I realize how blessed I am as a Father-loved child, I want to share that news with others. Reminding people that God loves them is nothing to fear. It’s actually good news, and the more we share it, the more we realize people are hungering to hear it. Even if someone takes offense or turns away, God’s still with us; we’re still under his loving care.

Do you want to realize the benefits of the WPP? Start sharing your story that leads to His story, that makes history in the life of a person longing to find the solution to the emptiness in their soul. Share and experience the joy of watching God’s family grow right in front of your eyes.

Grace and Peace