Rockin’ the Gray

I was minding my own business, sitting at my desk at work, when a video call came through on WhatsApp. When I saw the name, I was expecting one person, but was pleasantly surprised by the face of my newest daughter-in-law. I then remembered she and my son were spending the weekend with friends up in the mountains of East Tennessee.

After all the initial greetings, I asked what they were doing, as they were obviously sitting outside at a restaurant. The voice of their friend spoke up:

“Oh, we were just sitting here and noticed a woman who was really rockin’ her gray hair, and we thought of you, since you do too, so we called!”

OK, so I must admit that this was a new life experience for me, since I have never been “complimented” for rockin’ my gray hair. First off, I still consider myself more of a “salt and pepper” gray than really showing lots of the white matter, but I’ll let that pass. What was nice was that they thought of me and called.

Me and my rockin

It made my day.

I bring up this encounter on Mission Monday to talk about relationships in ministry. With the exception of my son, obviously, these are young adults I’ve known throughout their college years and now into their engagements and marriages. I’ve seen their hearts for the nations and desire to sacrificially serve in their churches and communities. Other than Jesus, they are wonderful reasons for me to have hope for the future.

Without fail, I am encouraged every time I see and talk to them. Whatever little wisdom I may share with them, they bless me just by seeing what God’s doing in their lives and how he’s using them for the Kingdom.

We need these relationships in ministry. As a young girl and on into my years of overseas service, I had a wonderful group of adults who loved on me and encouraged me every time we were together. Pre-WhatsApp, they sent cards, letters or gift packages just to check in. I could later email them with updates and requests for prayer.

They had earned the gray hair and rocked it well. They were my prayer warriors, heroes, and examples of the faith. They held the ropes for me.

Now, I’m on the other side of the fence, obviously loaded with gray and honored to hold the ropes for a newer generation. They’re in my prayer journal by name and surrounded by specific requests they share via text or phone. I am working hard to hold up my end of the relationship by remembering them every time I think of them.

Wherever you land in relation to the fence, make sure you’ve got relationships that keep you grounded and supported in this journey of life and service. Seek out mentors, prayer or accountability partners. Be that person to someone younger than yourself.

You’ll be blessed if you do and might even get a phone call when someone notices a person who rocks it like you!

Grace and Peace

2 thoughts on “Rockin’ the Gray

  1. Howdy Carol, thanks for sharing.

    I liked it when you said ‘”Wherever you land in relation to the fence, make sure you’ve got relationships that keep you grounded and supported in this journey of life and service. Seek out mentors, prayer or accountability partners. Be that person to someone younger than yourself.” So important!

    Stay connected to the Vine and keep Rockin 😉

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