Comfort in the Darkness: 9 – Greater Things

Jesus knew what his disciples needed. After a long conversation, where they’d expressed both their stupidity and doubts, he was still patient with them and wanted to let them know that there was so much more to come post resurrection.

He knew they would look back on this conversation and be embarrassed and yet grateful that their teacher had used their ignorance to reveal some exciting truths. At the time, though, I think these next words from his mouth would have greatly confused them:

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

John 14:12-14 (NIV)

The faith Jesus was telling Philip to have would lead him to do even greater things than they’d witnessed over the past three years. How could that be?

Because I am going to the Father.

We will hear in just a few more verses that by going to the Father, Jesus would be able to send the Holy Spirit. Only then would those who believe have the same empowerment to make requests that would be heard and answered by God the Father.

I love the intertwined relationship of the Trinity with that of the believer in these few short verses. The relationship that brought the world into being, is the same one that must be called upon to do great things.

  • It requires faith in Jesus as the Son of God.
  • Filling of the Spirit, given upon faith in Christ.
  • Spirit-guided prayer to the Father in Jesus’ name.
  • With the goal of all the glory going to God.

While we can be tempted to think of the greater things as amazing miracles, like healing the sick or giving sight to the blind, as we look at these verses, there is a deeper sense of the word.

Sometimes, it’s in the smallest act done in Christ’s name and to God’s glory that mountains are moved for the Kingdom. No miracle compares to that of a person coming to faith in Christ as Savior. As we pray for God to work in their life, use us as witness, or draw them to Christ, God hears and responds, because in this, we are asking according to his will and to his glory.

There is nothing greater than seeing a life transformed in Christ.

Faith in Christ, prayers to the Father, and the work of the Holy Spirit enables that to happen and for us to be a part.

What could be greater? Nothing.

Grace and Peace

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