Knocking on doors

I could never be a door-to-door salesman. I don’t like facing strangers or trying to sell things. That kind of work is way out of my comfort zone.

Then again, sometimes God reminds you that to move forward, you have to step out of that circle of comfort. That’s what I’m doing tomorrow. No, I’m not going out to sell Bibles, I’m going to another writers conference. While it’s a time to listen and learn, it’s also a time to be ready to sell. What am I selling? Myself as a writer.

The last time I attempted this feat, I came home depressed. I learned a lot about the industry and how to market myself as an author, but not how to break the glass ceiling. It’s not that I’m not already a published author, I am, but I’m not to the point in my writing that I want to be, at which I feel God wants to use me. I want to make an impact on a wider audience, and that’s tough.

So, here I am, putting one foot in front of the other to keep moving toward the goal. I’m not good at being outside of my comfort zone, knocking on doors for help; but as I go, I’m trusting God to teach me and connect me with another soul who understands. It might not even be a person who can advance my professional goal but only one who’s able to relate to my struggles.

I want to be open to whatever way the Lord wants to use this day, uncomfortable as it is, for I’ve learned in this journey that it is when we are at our weakest that he teaches us the most about himself. So, I’ll knock on this conference door and wait to see what he opens for me.

Is God asking you to get out of your comfort zone in order to grow in your relationship with him or be used more in his service? Don’t be afraid. Take the step and knock. He’s faithful to answer and open.

Grace and Peace